Final conference (Marseille)
There is a way out of the digital gap. Join us for the final EUDIGIT event to find it !
A throwback at the lessons learned on how to foster a digital transformation in our cities that works for all
After six events, five e-books, dozens of local meetings between citizens and stakeholders, numerous best practices identified, EUDIGIT is drawing to a close this month. The final conference of the project, dedicated to the digital transformation in our cities is taking place on 23 March as a hybrid event.
The event titled Bridges over the digital gap will take is through the main achievements and knowledge gathered over the two years of the project and will summarise the top of all activities so far.
Register now to join us online and learn how efficient digital transformation in cities can happen and which cities are paving the way.
Bridges over the digital gap: the agenda
This month, partners under the EUDIGIT – European Digital Citizens project, will gather for one last time to discuss the achievements and the way forward to make sure the digital gap is getting smaller on their territories and that no one is left behind in the process of digitalization.
After an initial welcome by the City of Marseille, partners will delve into the positive transformations that EUDIGIT brough to their organisation and the local communities they administer. In a second panel, participants will get to know the bigger picture: namely, how the project fits into the wider framework of European city cooperation, backed by EU funds, what has Europe for Citizens managed to achieve in this direction and how it has been upgraded to answer contemporary challenges.
In the afternoon, some of the most impactful digitalisation and smart city projects that have transformed Marseille, Rotterdam, Genoa, Hamburg, Varna and Cluj-Napoca will be presented.
Partners will also launch a citizen participation survey, giving everyone a say on how connected they feel and how their local administrations can improve.
The event is hosted by the City of Marseille, project coordinator, with the collaboration of Euro Advance association through with contributions from all partners.
Registration is free but mandatory. All registered participants will receive instructions on how to join us online a few days before the event.