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Best partners practices

Ebook n°1 : "The youth, the digital divide and citizenship"

Discover the digital book from Varna's webinar on the subject:
"The youth, the digital divide and citizenship"


Read the guide in your language :

 [ Bulgarian ] - Младежта, дигиталното неравенство и гражданството

 [ Dutch ] - Jeugd, de digitale kloof en burgerschap

 [ French ] - La jeunesse, la fracture numérique et la citoyenneté

 [ German ] - Die Jugend, die digitale Spaltung und die Zivilgesellschaft

 [ Italian ] - I giovani, la disparità digitale e la cittadinanza

 [ Romanian ] - Tineret, inegalitate digit ală și ce tățenie



Ebook n°2 : "The Elderly, the Digital Divide and Citizenship"

Discover the digital book from Hamburg's webinar on the subject:
"The Elderly, the Digital Divide and Citizenship"


Read the guide in your language :

 [ Bulgarian ] - Възрастните хора, цифровото раз деление и гра жданството

 [ Dutch ] - Ouderen, de digitale kloof en burgerschap

 [ French ] - Personnes âgées, fracture numérique et citoyenneté

 [ German ] - Die Senior:nnen, die digitale Kluft und die Zivilgesellschaft

 [ Italian ] - Gli anziani, il divario digitale e la cittadinanza

 [ Romanian ] - Persoanele în v ârstă, decalajul digit al și cetățenia



Ebook n°3 : "Digitalization and Public Administration"

Discover the digital book from Genoa's webinar on the subject:
"Digitalization and Public Administration"


Read the guide in your language :

 [ Bulgarian ] - Цифровизация и публична администрация

 [ Dutch ] - Digitalisering en Overheid

 [ French ] - Numérisation et Administration Publique





Ebook n°4 : "Citizens with a disability: Digital divide and opportunities"

Discover the digital book from Rotterdam's webinar on the subject:
"Citizens with a disability: Digital divide and opportunities"


Read the guide in your language :

 [ Bulgarian ] - Гражданите С Увреж Дания: Цифрова Пропаст И Възможности

 [ Dutch ] - Burgers met een beperking: Digitale kloof en kansen

 [ French ] - Citoyens souffrant de handicap : Fracture numérique et opportunités

 [ German ] - Die Bürger mit behinderungen: Digitale kluft und möglichkeiten

 [ Italian ] - I Cittadini con disabilità : Divario digitale e opportunità

 [ Romanian ] - Cetățeni cu diz abilități : Decalajul digital și oportunități


Ebook n°5 : "Digital Transfrormation the gap between urban and rural"

Discover the digital book from Cluj-Napoca's webinar on the subject:
"Digital Transfrormation the gap between urban and rural"


Lisez le guide dans votre langue :

 [ Bulgarian ] - Цифрова трансформация: разделението между градските и селските райони

 [ Dutch ] - Digitale Transformatie: De Kloof Tussen Stad En Platteland

 [ French ] - Transformation numérique : la fracture entre les zones urbaines et rurales

 [ German ] - Digitale Transformation: Die Lücke zwischen Stadt und Land

 [ Italian ] - Gli anziani, il divario digitale e la cittadinanza

 [ Romanian ] - Transformare digitală: diferența dintre zonele urbane și cele rurale


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