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Involvement of cities, impact and citizen participation

EUDIGIT establishes a network of cities interacting with local systems of stakeholders, citizens and NGOs acting in the field of digitalization and social inclusion. Each of them belongs to different local, national and international networks to whom they can communicate the project results and which could be interested to cooperate in the future; cities share a high capacity of involvement of citizens and can communicate to a large audience. They are also legitimate to mobilize their administration and organize debates on EU citizenship with the support of the civil society.

Seminars will help maximizing the participation of institutions, policy makers, academia, NGOs and citizens; the main challenge will be to enlarge on the long term the involvement of targets that are usually more peripheral to the debate on the future of EU. It is the case for the Youngers and elders, or for populations with lower rates of education, seniors and disabled persons. It is why within the framework of EUDIGIT all of them will be invited to exchange on the digitalization of our societies and their daily lives.

Project impact

Short - term effects:

- To bring together citizens with cities administration on specific issues,
- To diffuse E-books to cities’ civil servants and elected personnel in order to adapt digital inclusion policies,
- To promote among citizens the EU message and to improve the communication on values, rights and opportunities.

Long-term effects:

- To involve NGOs and citizens in the making and the evolution of public policies,
- To set up or support concrete actions to support citizens: access to WIFI, training, internet bus, assistance to seniors in retirement homes…,
- To modernize and adapt public services and buildings,
- To make cities better heralds of the “EU project“.
- training of officials (elected officials and staff) to make them aware of the different profiles

Citizen involvement

EUDIGIT will help citizens exchanging on EU values and the rights/opportunities it provides. The chosen method will contribute to a better association of citizens to municipal activity on the long term.

Contribution to EU policies

EUDIGIT will humbly offer an answer to some objectives of the 2016 Skills Agenda for Europe. Some aspects of the Digital Single Market strategy :

“Creating a digital society“/ “Digital Inclusion for a better EU society“ https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/policies/digital-inclusion-and-web-accessibility), of the Urban Agenda for the European Union: “Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy“/ “Digital Transition“ https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/themes/urban-development/agenda/ and finally of the 2030 UN' SDGs https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

EUDIGIT will also explore how local authorities/cities may act as exchange platforms on digital practices for all citizens and contribute to the implementation of the EU Regional Policy (https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/what/investment-policy/) and its 2021-2027 outlook (https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/2021_2027/).

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